We are some of the many( I am sure )misplaced canadians, who get to celebrate being thankful ( holiday wise) twice a year. The Canadian Thanksgiving is the second monday in October( which by the way has always made more sense to me but whatever) and the American Thanksgiving is the last Thursday in November. So this past week I braved the expense and bought a turkey for my family( turkeys never go on sale here till November). Our family celebrated Thanksgiving on Sunday so we could attend an event at our church. You see there is more than one Canadian related family in our ward(usually one half of a married couple) and a few missionaries that have served in Canada...we even open the event to other wards and Canadian wannabees. We usually have anywhere from 40-60 people show up for a potluck dinner and a little entertainment...ending with the always popular singing of O Canada.
I love going to this event but it always leaves me a little homesick for Canada...although I am the American born part of my marriage,and the reason we ultimately live in Olympia WA.... but I grew up in Canada. Most of my memories are of Canada , I was married there, all my children were born there, ( two of them still live there) with all of Alan's family,( including my childhood friend and now sister in law...Valerie)and my really close friend Cindy is still there.
As much as I know the Lord directed us here to save Alan's life, we know we were suppose to be here without a doubt....I do miss it. I find myself wondering if we will ultimately be back there one day. I guess this year I am remembering our trip to Newfoundland this time last year ( after many many years away...32 for Alan to be exact) and being able to reconnect with my roots and that part of my life and family.
Thanksgiving whether Canadian or American always gives time to reflect on what we truly are thankful for and mine list is very long. I guess first and foremost the gospel of Jesus Christ...as if I had not been introduced to the gospel as a young girl I doubt the rest of what I am thankful for would have occured. It still amazes me to think the Lord extended his tender mercies unto me and that I listened and accepted. Next my husband, who always has loved me for who I am not someone he wanted me to become...and though I think I have mellowed over the years I know I was not always an easy person to live with....for reasons way to long to try to put here. I am grateful the Lord put him in my life. My childen ... who have brought me both incredible joy...and sorrow....but who have been exactly the teachers the Lord needed to send me ...to help me become what He needs me to be.... my daughter and sons in law....who are helping my children become who they need to be. Lastly my grand-children who have my heart....it is said often that we should have our grandchildren first...but no it is meant to be what it is... because grandparents earn their grandchildrens love by raising their parents...lol... They are all young as of yet and I am sure I will worry about them too in the days to come as they spread their wings and learn all about agency...but right now they just love me and I feel that love each and every day....I am thank ful for the things of life like food and a warm home too ...but they seem pale in comparison to the rich love of family....so suffice to say I am feeling very thankful...

This is Alan and I , Austen, Tanner donning our Canadian hockey jerseys to go to our potluck
Canadian Thanksgiving

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We tried to get Gavin in the picture too,,,with his Canadian shirt but we couldn't get him away from his newest obsession with trains....

These are my beautiful children...all be it a few years ago( Shannon is pregnant with Austen) but I don't have many pictures of them all together...so some of them will be happy with this picture and some may not....Just wanted people to see what I am thankful for...