Thursday, October 30, 2008


I guess I have been tagged and am suppose to come up with seven things that people might not know about me and this could be really hard for life is an open book and most people know all there is to let me think,

7. When I was a teenager I sang with a companion named Derek Pelley in coffee houses, which were very popular at the time, the very hippie thing to do. I think at one time I even thought I might be famous some day....

6. I am a qualified cosmetologist...not licensed anymore but qualified all the same.

5. I did the hair for three of my childrens high school musicals...Grease, Carousel, and Showboat.

4. Before I married my husband Alan I was engaged three times.....

3. I was born in North Carolina, but raised in Newfoundland, Canada. If I had been a male, even though I didn't live in the states for very long, I would have been eligible for the draft when I turned 18 during the vietnam war.

2. I am a published author. (To read the article I wrote, click HERE - scroll to the bottom article titled, "Michelle, Is That You?")

1.I didn't get my drivers license till I was 25 and pregnant with my third child....
I tag Shelley M and Angie P

1 comment:

Erin said...

HILARIOUS!! There was a few things on there I didn't know!