Thursday, December 18, 2008

Return of the Mask!

Several years ago 11 to be exact after the birth of our first grandson Jordan...His new mom requested that when ever we held Jordan we wear a surgical her defence I should add that Jordan was a difficult birth and was quite small...anyway when we held him we donned the mask..even though we thought it was a little over the top ( see pictures below)

....Many years and children later every time Shelley sees pics like these she shakes her head in disbelief that she really did that....and we laugh over it.

Now to present day and birth of grandson # 11.....on December 4th 2008

At the time Rowan was born our five year old grandson Tanner had a terrible cough ( we thought the residual of a cold the previous weeks) As we took him to see the new baby...he started coughing at the desk going into the maternity wing and the receptionist suggested that Shannon go to the restroom where they keep a stash of surgical masks and mask Tanner up so the nurses wouldn't have issue with him seeing the baby.

These are what she found cute being the thrifty individual and being concerned for her new nephew and all the colds this time of year she took a handful to take home....thinking anyone who had even the sniffles was gonna wear one of these around Rowan.

With us desperately trying to keep Rowan from getting sick...with so many germs around...I think I now know how Shelley was feeling when she asked us to wear them and all these years later maybe I should apologize to her for feeling silly about the whole mask wearing thing. After having two grand children develop RSV as babies...maybe having masks on hand is not so bad a thing after all.......and when Shelley comes to visit the new baby...if she has the sniffles or a cold...she might just be asked to put on a mask.....and we can laugh over the whole thing once again....


Shelley M said...

UNTRUE!!! Little Jordan was home from the hospital a week and you my friend had a nasty out came the masks. The doctor's advice was to not allow you or anyone sick for that matter, to not come over at all...I thought that might be a little over the top. For the record!!!

Erin said...

I first want to say that I absolutely understand the fear of babies getting sick. My Evan was in the hospital at 5 weeks old with a virus that was frightening similar to meningitus (had to endure a spinal tap) - when Brynlea was born, I was ready to hand out masks in the line at the grocery store! ;)

We all absolutely did & do respect Shelley's right to protect her baby (no one said a word in dispute when asked to wear the masks) but it was everyone who held Jordan who wore a mask (illness or not) & as the pictures in this blog were from our house in Abbotsford - he was more than a week old.

Again, as my mom stated, we all understand and wouldn't hesitate to do it ourselves.

It's just another revelation when new babies are a regular occurrence. Jordan happened to be the first, so we didn't "get" that yet. I don't think anyone was trying to accuse Shelley of doing anything wrong.