Thursday, February 5, 2009

Random Thoughts...

Yesterday my baby turned 24 years old......

Later on this year my first born will be 39 years old.........

And what does that make me???...........OLD! Lately it seems every other day( probably not that often but just seems like it) Alan has been coming home with news of co- workers or friends of co- workers....or random people...not good news but news of massive strokes or heart attacks or being diagnosed with the C word....and they are all people YOUNGER than me....which really has given me food for thought.

This year my eldest daughter is the age I was and I will be the age my mother was when she died........


Sometimes I wonder if I have her genetics or the genetics on my fathers side( who died when he was 62) who had aunts who lived into their nineties. I know my lifestyle is very different from my parents who were heavy smokers and drinkers...

My patriarical blessing ( given in my church to all worthy members) tells me that nothing will keep me from fulfilling my lifes mission I was sent here to do....lately I have been thinking just what does that mean and have I done it or is there something I have missed all together.

I have often wished that I was a person who had a great passion for something.....anything? That just doesn't seem to be part of my character. I enjoy many things....but I have strong convictions....probably the things I am most passionate about are my family and my church. My children have guided and directed many of the major decisions I have made in my life whether they realize it or not.

Today I was thinking about my husband and the huge part he has played in my life. We truly are best we ALWAYS get we always love... I see the lives my sisters have led and I wonder without his influence,love and the gospel of Jesus Christ really where would I be today and might I have already died...and so I continue to wonder....where do I go from here?

I continue on and count my blessings every day!

This year my eldest grandson turns 12 and will receive the Aaronic Priesthood......

My second grandson will turn 8 and be baptized into The church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints

Alan and I will celebrate 34 years of marriage.....

(this is the only pic I could find)

This year Alan will have worked for and we will have lived in the city of Olympia 10 years.

My youngest child will graduate college for the second time....( lol Chelsea)

I have the most beautiful, well behaved , eleven grandchildren of all time!!!!( just a little biased)

So you see my random thoughts of today....oh and by the way I am the world's worst blogger....maybe I should make that my
I shall continue to wonder about the future and my lifes mission.....

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