Monday, January 28, 2013

The New Me

Just looking at my Blog for the first time in a long time....long long time. I have started on a new journey...Actually most of my family has...we are changing our views on food and starting a new life style.Collectively we have lost almost 300 lbs. I hesitate to call it a diet...because for me diets have always failed. I am determined that this will not be a failure. To date according to my doctor I have lost 40 lbs...with 25 or so to go. My goal is : Sixty by Sixty which for me is now; I will celebrate my 60th birthday this year. I should be able to make my goal if I continue on the path I am on. It has been an interesting journey so far. I have struggled with this new image of me. I discovered I like the style of " fat" clothes. Finding a "new" style is not an easy thing. As I shop in the "normal"size clothing area of department stores... I feel out of place. Like someone is going to come up behind me and say " Hey what are YOU doing here?"One day as I was shopping a sales person was helping another woman and asked her her size...she said it was 16.. I looked at her and all I could think was... I am smaller than HER? Last week for the first time as I was trying on clothing...I had an epiphany ...the person looking back from the mirror was REALLY ME!!and I am starting to look GOOD! For me this has been a big realization that I need to change the image of me that I have stored in my brain all these years.I struggle with giving my big clothing away but I AM doing it albeit slowly.. I keep a "good will" box in my bedroom and am slowly filling up the boxes and getting them out of my house because THIS time there is NO going back!!! I didn't take before mistake so now I am looking for pics of me before..if I find some good ones I will post them. This new year I also have a goal to write more about my life and thoughts.It seems like I always have good intentions but before I can turn around it is June and seeing I sometimes have a hard time remembering what I did yesterday...trying to write six months of a year are self defeating... So wish me luck and I will keep my blog posted

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